2016(e)ko apirilaren 27(a), asteazkena


                           WALL PAINTING

My part was to do a wall painting to show the huge damage we are causing to the world and also to push young people to do something against it taking part in some ecological activities or having habits that help the environment.

We decided to use a image of a world that seems to be ill or destroyed and to do a drawing similar to it. So, I did the drawing by hand and then with the help of some of my classmates we scanned it. Then, we used Canva, an app to make this kind of things like posters and addvertisments, to make the poster. It seemed easy at the beginning but then we realized that it wasn't so easy to use that app because we weren't used to it and only one person had used it before. But finally we got to finish it. The poster has a ill world in the middle with a thermometer and a plaster. I think it shows what we wanted to express and It make people think that our world will finish like that if we don't react now

As I said before some of my classmates helped me scanning the drawing and using Canva, for example Jonan and Jon. 

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