2016(e)ko maiatzaren 19(a), osteguna


My part was to design a poster but apart from that I have been helping my classmates with their work.
 I have been going to different classes to present our work to other students from the school, I took part in the european games Jonan organised in the playground, I found a surf team who works againtst the climatic change for the interview and I was interviewed by Aitor because last year I took part in Agenda 21, I went to DBH 1 to play some games related to the environment and finally I came twice to school after we finished the course to help other finishing their work.

2016(e)ko maiatzaren 4(a), asteazkena

For Miren


Nire egokitutako zatia, gure proiektuko horma irudia egitea izan da. Honen bidez gazteei ingurumenaren alde egiten duten ekintzetan eta ekitalditan parte hartzera bultzatzatu nahi da.

Horma irudia osatzeko eskuz eginiko irudi bat eta eslogan bat erabiltzea pentsatu genuen. Irudiari dagokionez, Lurra hondaturik eta gaixorik dagoen marrazki bat egitea erabaki genuen; horrela, gure ekintza arduragabeak gure planetan eragiten ari diren ondorio latzak azaldu nahi ditugu. Taldeekideen artean zenbait eztabaida izan ondoren, adostutako slogana hau izan zen: Bakarra da, berdetu ezazu!

Zenbait kideren laguntzarekin,esaterako Jon eta Jonanenarekin, eskuz eginiko marrazkia eskaneatu genuen eta Canva izeneko aplikazio baten bitartez gure horma irudia osatu genuen. Hasieran lan erraza zirudien baina orrelako lanetan esperientzia geihegi ez geneukanez, zenbait arazorekin egin genuen topo baina erraz lortu genuen hauei aurre egitea. Hala ere, lan honen bitartez zabaldu nahi zen mezua argi eta garbi azaltzea lortu dugula esan genezake.

En este proyecto, el trabajo que me corresponde hacer es un póster que empuje a los jóvenes a luchar contra el cambio climático y a participar en actividades para ayudar al medio ambiente.

Entre todos pensamos que debíamos utilizar un dibujo hecho a mano y un eslogan. Decidimos hacer un dibujo de la Tierra en la que pareciese destruida y enferma, de esta manera queríamos representar las terribles consecuencias que producimos mediante nuestras acciones irresponsables. Después de discutirlo entre nosotros llegamos a la conclusión de que el eslogan debía ser claro y corto, y esta fue nuestra elección: Solo tenemos uno, cuida de él!

Todo este trabajo ha sido gracias a la ayuda de algunos de mis compañeros como Jon y Jonan. Al principio parecía un trabajo fácil pero en cuanto tuvimos que empezar a usar distintas aplicaciones como Canva empezaron a surgir los problemas dado que no teníamos mucha experiencia en esta área de la tecnología pero pudimos hacerles frente facilmente. Sin embargo, podríamos decir que hemos conseguido expresar y difundir el mensaje para concienciar a los jóvenes.

Europe's faces


2016(e)ko apirilaren 27(a), asteazkena


                           WALL PAINTING

My part was to do a wall painting to show the huge damage we are causing to the world and also to push young people to do something against it taking part in some ecological activities or having habits that help the environment.

We decided to use a image of a world that seems to be ill or destroyed and to do a drawing similar to it. So, I did the drawing by hand and then with the help of some of my classmates we scanned it. Then, we used Canva, an app to make this kind of things like posters and addvertisments, to make the poster. It seemed easy at the beginning but then we realized that it wasn't so easy to use that app because we weren't used to it and only one person had used it before. But finally we got to finish it. The poster has a ill world in the middle with a thermometer and a plaster. I think it shows what we wanted to express and It make people think that our world will finish like that if we don't react now

As I said before some of my classmates helped me scanning the drawing and using Canva, for example Jonan and Jon. 

2016(e)ko apirilaren 14(a), osteguna


                       WALL PAINTING

 I will be orginising how to do the wall painting.  The aim of it is to make young people understand what is happening in the world and to push them to do something to help nature. I think we should do a draw with a meaning and write some words or sentences.

I think the best way to do it is asking help to some of my classmates, because I don't know too much about graphic design. I have some ideas for the drawing, I think we should paint a world, maybe destroyed or ill to show the damage we are causing to it and then a short and easy logo next to it.

I don't think it would be a difficult work, we will need one or two week to finish it if we don't have any problem and if some classmates help me.

2016(e)ko martxoaren 10(a), osteguna


This last term we are going to be working with different points of the climatic change and the situation that we have in Europe. We are going to do a proyect about it to take part in a competition, it sounds great! Are we going to be the winners? I hope so!

2016(e)ko martxoaren 2(a), asteazkena


 An economic migrant is someone who emigrates from one region to another because the living conditions or job opportunities in their region are not stable. The term economic migrant is often confused with the term refugee, however, economic migrants migrate due to economic turmoil, not due to fear of persecution on the basis of race, religion, or ethnicity. They decide to move to try to start a better life, hoping that their situation will become more stable. Some of them manage to have a better life but others have legal problems or died trying to go to other countries. As we had heard it in the news,  lots of people die in the see in the way to Europe. So far more than 2,600 migrants are known to have died crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe in 2015. Is the solution to restrict the migration policies?  We cannot look away, we must act.


2016(e)ko martxoaren 1(a), asteartea




We live in a endless war, humans have been in war during the hole history. I think wars can't be good at all, a few ones are becoming more and more rich while the rest of the world is suffering from hunger, death, poverty... It is true that humans rigths are loosing their value but we can't forget that we are destroying nature. We aren't aware of the damage we are causing to our planet, we pollute the sea with very harmful cimicals, we cause the extinction of many species, we cut down millions of trees... We don't understand that we are killing our planet, and that we depend on it. We are not the owners of the world, we live thanks to it.

As we can see a few ones can get benefits from the war and the rest of the people are killing each other and at the same time destroying our planet. Will wars stop one day? It will be really difficult, but don't forget that impossible is nothing.

Healthy lifestyle

This second term we did a web about healthy lifestyle, which includes differents points such as drugs, sports, technology and nutrition. My work of this presentation was HEALTHY NUTRITION.

A nutritious, well-balanced diet is the foundation of good health. Healthy eating includes consuming high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, heart-healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and water . Eating in this manner helps you maintain your body’s everyday functions, promotes optimal body weight and can assist in disease prevention.
 If you want to know more about it there are some easy tips you can follow in the web.