2015(e)ko azaroaren 26(a), osteguna


This week we will start the second term of Scientific Culture. We will be working on biomedicine during the next months. I think is interesting and a important  part of Science, we will be working in groups, what I really like so I hope we will have a good time!

2015(e)ko urriaren 1(a), osteguna



Jane Goodall was borned in 1934 in London, England. She is considered to be the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees. She is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and The Rhoots and Shoots program. Since she was a child she wanted to travel to Africa to investigate the animals and then to write a book about those animals. She was working in Oxford when a friend from Kenya invited  her to go there. So she spent four month working as a waitress to earn money to travel.

She started to study in the community of chimpanzees in Kasakela, Tanzania. Instead of counting the chimpanzees she gave them names and she realized they had unique and individual personalities and they could feel happiness and sadness. Because of her investigations we know that humans and chimpanzees are similar. Her work is considered like the most important in zoology. After 55 years studing the chimpanzees social and family life, she won several prices and she wrote a lot of books. We could say that she made her dream come true.